Smart ID Monitoring Devices

Securing your assets provides peace of mind and adds safety to your organization.

By adding KSI's unique electronic ID capabilities to your assets, we can watch, secure, and inventory your products with our Security Asset Manager™ (SAM) cabinets and Global Facilities Management System™ (GFMS) software. KSI can manufacture custom smart attachments to fit your device. 



Electronic Access

Adhesion Technology

Securing Laptops

Monitor Temperature




  • Tether

    Goes on a cable or fastener.

  • Embed

    Custom engineering available for your assets.

  • Tag

    Provides dense storage in a variety of electronic cabinets.

  • Adhesive

    Secure your laptop.

  • Plug

    Provides latched or unlatched storage in SAM’s.

  • Collar

    Fits antennas and other various shapes and sizes.

  • Gauge

    Monitor Temperature.


KSI SmartFobs provide latched or unlatched storage in our Security Asset Managers™ (SAMs).  A reinforced, heavy-duty version of the SmartFobs are also available for heavier assets. SmartFobs are also compatible for use within our electronic key filing cabinets and our SWATBox.

Serialized Tie

Serialized Key Ring

Key Post